There was nothing special about it. He had done it hundreds of other times. A sixteen yard slant pass to the corner is something he has been doing for years, and could probably do in his sleep. However, this one was special for the ever-humble quarterback of the Green Bay Packers. With 4:56 left in the first quarter, quarterback Brett Favre zipped that sixteen yard slant t
o Greg Jennings for his 421st career touchdown pass, breaking Hall-of-Famer Dan Marino’s career touchdown pass record. Favre did not treat this one as any different, however. Favre, who is always one to excitedly celebrate a touchdown, ran to the endzone and picked up the recipient of his touchdown pass, Wide Receiver Greg Jennings (shown on right). He then joined his teammates on the sidelines. Sure, there was a bit more celebration than usual on the sidelines, but for the most part, Favre was focused on the game and getting the victory.
Brett Favre has always been the epitome of a team player, but at no point was it more evident than after the game on Sunday, September 30 when he became the king of touchdown passes at 422. Favre said, "I'm so glad we won the game. There was so much emphasis on this record and
not the game itself. Everyone's like, 'What are you going to do? Are you going to have a big celebration?' Put yourself in my shoes. I want to help this team win. I do not want us to get blindsided by this record and what we're actually here for." The most important thing for Brett was to get a win, which he got with by beating the Vikings 23-16. The Green Bay Packers as a team have struggled the past few years, with a 4-12 record in 2005 and a 8-8 record in 2006, and it is important to Favre that they start off this season winning games. So far this year they are undefeated at 4-0, and Favre, who has been criticized for his inconsistent play the past few years, is currently second in the NFL in passing. Based on the success of the Packers so far this season, the legend that is soon-to-be 38 year old Future-Hall-of-Famer Brett Favre is alive and well, and in today’s scandal filled world of sports, it seems to be just what the doctor ordered.
The sports world as of late has unfortunately been filled with scandal and strife; from Michael Vick and dogfighting to the baseball steroids scandal, so it is nice to see something positive happen to someone who has gone about his career in a classy manner.
All things considered, Brett Favre has gone about things the right way. He was drafted in 1991 in the second round (33rd overall) out of Southern Mississippi University by the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons said that he looked like a player that could have “some potential.” He w
ent 0-5 with 2 interceptions before the Atlanta Falcons traded him to the Green Bay Packers for the number one draft pick in 1992. Some may have seen the trade as foolish, but looking back, it just may have been the best personnel move in NFL history. Brett came into a game in September of the 1992 season after the Packer’s starting quarterback was injured. Going into the fourth quarter of that game the Packers were down 3-17. However, Favre engineered a comeback and the Packers won the game 24-23. After that game, Favre took over the position of starting quarterback, and he has held it ever since. Even then, it was clear that Favre was a team player. The Packers coach in 1992, Mike Holmgren was quoted saying, “What you see in Brett is a strong guy who wants to win.”
Things have not always come easy to Favre, however. He has had his troubles on and off the field, but his persevering nature always comes through. Favre has always been a gunslinger, and especial
ly as of late, he has had issues with interceptions. He is second on the list of career interceptions, and is two shy of tying the record of 277 set by George Blanda (pictured on the left). However, Favre feels that his aggressive style of play has gotten him to where he is today. "What got me to this point, what got me in this league, was a playmaking ability that was different," Favre said. He is not your typical “game-manager” type player who is careful to protect the ball. Favre’s style is all about high-risks that reap high rewards. It does seem, however, that Brett has changed his ways a bit this year, and is playing within the game plan set by Packers’ Head Coach Mike McCarthy. According to an article by the Associated Press, McCarthy has reined Favre in a bit more this season, and based on their 4-0 start, it is working. McCarthy has said, “He is really playing within the system so well right now.
Off the field, Favre has had to work through some much publicized hardships over the past few years. His father, who he was very close to, passed away on December 21, 2003, and the next day, Brett played an inspired game with a heavy heart, leading his team to victory. He
passed for 399 yards and threw 4 touchdowns. Then in October of 2003, Brett’s wife Deanna (pictured to the right), was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came a week after Deanna’s twenty-four year old brother died in an ATV accident on Favre’s property in Mississippi. Finally, in August 2005, Favre’s house in Mississippi was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Many thought that these hardships would be too much for Favre to bear, and may force him into retirement, but they have not. Football seems to be his outlet, and he is practicing and playing harder than ever. There is no question that Favre is football’s "Ironman," with 241 consecutive starts as a quarterback. That puts him in second place on the all-time consecutive NFL starts list. Also, two weeks ago he broke John Elway’s record for career victories, pushing it to 151 wins. There is no question that Favre is still out to win, and knows that he has the ability to still be successful in the NFL.
Honestly, one could go on and on about the stats that Brett Favre has put up over his illustrious 17 years an
d counting NFL career. However, the ever-humble Favre would not want that. After breaking the touchdown record, Favre spoke of Dan Marino (pictured to the left with Favre), the man he passed in the record books. He said, “"It feels great, but I've never considered myself as good a quarterback as Dan Marino. Dan was a hero of mine. To be mentioned in the same breath as Dan and other guys really makes it special.” Yet, Marino might have put it best when he said, “"I loved holding the touchdown record for the past 13 years. But if someone was going to break it, I'm glad it was someone like you [Favre], who has always competed at the highest level and always played to win." So in today’s sports world, which is unfortunately so often riddled with scandal and negativity, it is a breath of fresh air to see someone who has worked to get to the pinnacle of his sport through hard work, dedication, and a will to win.